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Covidence: Settings



Review Settings

Review Settings - Covidence Knowledge Base: Settings

  • Delete the entire review
  • Edit review name
  • Add details of the search
  • Edit # of reviewers required to screen (1 or 2 reviewers; 2 is default)

Add/Remove Reviewers

Add/Remove Reviewers

  • You can invite an unlimited number of reviewers under the WCM Institutional License plan
  • Reviewers do not need to be WCM affiliates (The initial SR requester must be a WCM affiliate)

Team Settings

Team Settings

  • Shows number of records screened by each team member
  • Optional: Manage screening rules (i.e., choose a specific team member to screen all studies or resolve conflicts)

Criteria & Exclusion Reasons

Criteria & Exclusion Reasons

  • List inclusion/exclusion criteria for the team to refer to when screening
  • Optional: Manage Highlights for inclusion/exclusion – "included" words will highlight in yellow; "excluded" words will highlight in red

Study Tags

Study Tags

  • Optional: Create "tags" (i.e., labels) to add to records while screening