- Step 1: Go to MyNCBI and ensure your PubMed citations are in 'My Bibliography' and link to an eRA Commons account (if you have one)
- This will link your 'My Bibliography' citations and eRA Commons grants to your new SciENcv biosketch
- Visit MyNCBI 'My Bibiography' help to learn how to populate your bibliography and more
- Step 2: Go to SciENcv and use the eRA Commons login option. From there you can create a new document with three different options for how to populate it:
- Use an external source - Pull in profile information from eRA or ORCID
- Use an existing document - import profile information from an existing SciENcv biosketch
- Start with a blank document - hand enter your profile information but auto link to your 'My Bibliography'
- Step 3: Edit your New NIH biosketch to include your citations, grants, and peer-reviewed publications
- For detailed instructions, templates, and example, visit the NIH biosketch page
- You can download your new biosketch in PDF, Word, and XML formats
If you have any questions about using SciENcv to generate New NIH Biosketches, please do not hesitate to reach out to the library at NIHSUPPORT@med.cornell.edu