JANE - Journal/Author Name Estimator: An online tool for identifying journal titles for article submission or authors for article review using an article title, abstract, or keywords for search criteria. Jane includes all journals included in Medline that show publications in the past year.
JCR - Journal Citation Reports: Offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data.
PubsHub: Contains details on journal impact factors, acceptance rates, publication turnaround times, and MEDLINE indexing; also offers details on 2,000+ conferences.
Ulrich's Web: An easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.
Case reporting collaboration includes:
Scholarly Communication Information Services in Support of Research (SCISSORS) is provided by the Weill Cornell Medical Library to help you cut through the red tape of research, publishing, networking, and other scholarly endeavors. The service offers research support, pre-publishing guidance, author support and manuscript preparation, and assistance with systematic reviews.
Search, organize and share your research. Create bibliographies while writing your paper, import, search and annotate PDFs and automatically update records. Whether you're on your desktop, online, or iPad, EndNote's syncing capabilities let you access all of your references, attachments, and groups from any location. - See more at: http://libguides.mssm.edu/_endnote#sthash.CcA8q5KR.dpuf
F1000 Workspace is a browser-based platform where Weill Cornell affiliates can collect, manage, cite, write, and discuss scientific literature privately and via shared projects with peers. It is available for download from the library's e-Resources page.