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Health Law and Regulation
Health Information Security and Privacy
- Office for Civil Rights (OCR) - "protect the civil rights of all individuals who are subject to discrimination in health and human services programs and protect the health information privacy rights of consumers; investigates complaints, enforces rights, and promulgates regulations, develops policy and provides technical assistance and public education to ensure understanding of and compliance with non-discrimination and health information privacy laws." Courtesy of OCR.
- Federal Trade Commision - health privacy and security legal resources (laws, rules, guides, reports, case highlights, compliance documents) associated with electronic personal health records.
- Assessment of Current and Emerging Privacy Issues in Public Health Agencies - analysis of privacy issues in health care.
- Privacy, Security and Data Exchange Committee - oversees organizational and personal privacy and security issues associated with electronic health information in health care systems.
- Health Information Security & Privacy Collaboration (HISPC) - oversees that state and regional efforts towards health information exchange are aligned with the national health IT agenda.
- NIH Bioethics Resources on the Web - information resource on bioethics issues, subject and animal research, institutional reveiw boards, clinical ethics, international research ethics issues, and others.
- Office for Human and Research Protection - an entity that protects rights, welfare, and wellbeing of subjects involved in research, provides guidance and advice on ethical and regulatory issues in biomedical and social-behavioral research. Courtesy of OHRP.