My NCBI enables you to save citations and searches permanently, and to personalize PubMed (and other NCBI databases) to better manage your search results.
- Collections: Use the Send to drop down menu in PubMed to save citations to a My NCBI collection that you can return to later, download, email, or share with colleagues.
- Save Search: To save your search strategy or rerun a search in the future (to keep up with new articles on your research topic), click the Save Search link below the PubMed query box on the search results page. Use the Saved Search Settings to have PubMed email you new results of your search daily, weekly or monthly.
- Filters: Customize PubMed search results pages with Filters that you use often, e.g. "Systematic Review" or "Core Clinical Journals".
- My NCBI preferences includes storing and changing your e-mail address, highlighting search terms, opening the abstract display supplemental data by default, and turning off the auto suggest feature.