Among the many information resources available to WCMC students and faculty are the Samuel J. Wood Library and the C.V. Starr Biomedical Information Center. The library offers 24/7 access to 21,000+ e-journals, over 151,000 e-books, 500+ databases and houses over 54,000 physical volumes. The library is fully automated, featuring computer terminals that provide access to library collections from any networked computer or student workstation throughout the College. In addition, WCMC-Qatar, the Nathan Cummings Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, The Hospital for Special Surgery, The Rockefeller University and Cornell University in Ithaca collaborate to share databases, journals, and resources, effectively expanding access to available information. The librarians are faculty who offer free consults to develop strategies for locating the best biomedical evidence in peer-reviewed sources, as well as gray literature. The librarians also offer a variety of services, including systematic review development, data management, and instruction in evidence-based medicine. The Library and Biomedical Information Center also includes the Myra Mahon Patient Resource Center, which is commissioned to serve the healthcare information needs of patients, families, and caregivers who visit the Physicians Organization and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.
Source: Michael Wood, Wood Library
Date: January 31, 2021
The Library Bioinformatics Service provides collaborative support for projects that include a bioinformatics component, including assistance in experimental design, power analysis, and exploratory and discriminatory analyses. All staff have postdoctoral experience in bioinformatics or informatics, with first-author publications in their field of expertise. The Samuel J. Wood Library also licenses a number of well-supported bioinformatics databases and software, including Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, Lasergene, MacVector, and BioCyc.
Source: Peter Oxley, Wood Library
Date: February 2, 2021
Note: To request a customized description to fit the requirements of your grant application, please contact Peter Oxley, Associate Director of Research Services.
Data Core is a secure, scalable, computing and storage environment within which users can share access to a collection of data sets and process the data with a variety of software tools, while meeting appropriate regulatory requirements to protect data. The Data Core is useful for analysis of both secure and non-secure data by research teams, including non-Weill Cornell collaborators.
Source: Peter Oxley, Wood Library
Date: February 4, 2021
Note: To request a customized description to fit the requirements of your grant application, please contact Alice Chin, Data Management Specialist.
Weill Cornell provides subsidized access to a number of scientific software products and databases for bioinformatics, molecular biology, and statistical analyses. The institution also provides access to LabArchives Electronic Lab Notebooks for documenting and collaborating on research methodologies and datasets, in support of our data retention policy.
Source: Peter Oxley, Wood Library
Date: February 4, 2021
Note: To request a customized description to fit the requirements of your grant application, please contact Peter Oxley, Associate Director of Research Services.
The Library Systematic Review Service provides collaborative support to researchers collating all empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria in order to answer a specific research question. Services include: recommending specific databases and other information sources to search; translating the research question into an appropriate search strategy for each database; translating the concepts into controlled vocabulary and keywords so that retrieval is both maximized and precise; assistance developing and registering a protocol; conducting the comprehensive literature searches; providing access and support for Covidence, systematic review screening software; running search updates in selected databases; recommending controlled vocabulary and keywords for article publication; authoring literature search methodology section for the submitted manuscript; and suggesting journals relevant to areas of research/interest for submission.
Source: Diana Delgado, Wood Library
Date: February 2, 2021