Outlines steps necessary to conduct a systematic review, includes issues specific to topic areas, such as clinical tests (diagnostic, screening and prognostic),public health and harm.
Guides and Standards for Conducting Systematic Reviews
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions - Provides guidance to authors for the preparation of Cochrane Intervention reviews. Provides the core methodology for undertaking systematic reviews on the effects of health interventions, with an emphasis on reviewing randomized trials.
National Academies Finding What Works in Health Care - Addresses the entire systematic review process, from locating, screening, and selecting studies for the review, to synthesizing the findings (including meta-analysis) and assessing the overall quality of the body of evidence, to producing the final review report.
AHRQ Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews- Covers each step involved in researching and writing a Comparative Effectiveness review (CER). CERs are systematic reviews of existing research on the effectiveness, comparative effectiveness, and harms of different health care interventions.
PRISMA-S - PRISMA extension for reporting literature searches in systematic reviews
CONSORT - An evidence-based, minimum set of recommendations for reporting RCTs. It offers a standard way for authors to prepare reports of trial findings, facilitating their complete and transparent reporting, and aiding their critical appraisal and interpretation.
EQUATOR - Links to a number of reporting standards. Is an international initiative that seeks to enhance reliability and value of medical research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting of research studies.
MOOSE - A checklist summarizing recommendations for reporting meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology.
PROSPERO - An international prospective register of systematic review protocols.
STARLITE - Standards for reporting literature searches.
STROBE - An international collaborative initiative that aims to strengthen the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology.
TREND - Specifically developed to guide standardized reporting of nonrandomized controlled trials.